Family tree of Civil, Sivil, Sivel, Sevill, Seville Family
Reprinted by permission. Copyright © 1999-2002 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc
Author: LDS. Publishing Info: © IGI This information has been reproduced with permission of LDSEmily Sivill
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Christening: 17 JUN 1832 Eldersfield, , Hereford, England
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Father: Robert Sivill
Mother: Mary Ann Keven
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Source Information:
Film Number: 458817
Page Number:
Reference number:
Note: Ages of adults were often rounded down to nearest 5 years. For example, a recorded age of 25 implies an age of between 25 and 29.
Blenheim Court
Joseph Beavans - 65 - Farmer - Y
Sarah Beavans - 60 - - Y
Charles Beavans - 20 - Y
Mary Civell - 35 - Visitor [later struck through] - Y
Rbt Civell - 14 - - Y [should be Rbt? = Robert]
Emily Civell - 2 - - Y
Mary Civil - 11 - - Y
Sarah Civil - 3[m?] - - Y
2 properties
Little Na[??]end
Robt Civell - 50 - Farmer - Y
Family tree of Civil, Sivil, Sivel, Sevill, Seville Family
Source: FreeBMD
Marriages Sep 1854
Brazier Jonathan Bromsgrove 6c 507
Sivill Emily Bromsgrove 6c 507
Certified Copy of an Entry of Death
Registration District Tewkesbury
1857 Death in the Sub-District of Dewhurst in the Counties of Gloucester abd Worcester
No - When and where died - Sex - Age - Occupation - Cause of death - Signature, description and residence of informant - When registered - Signature of registrar
489 - Thirtieth June 1857 Pendock - Robert Sivell - Male - 73 years - Agricultural Labourer - Old age Certified - Harriett Sivell present at the death Pendock - Second July 1857 - Joseph Hoare Registrar
1866 Marriage solemnized at The Parish Church in the Parish of Bromsgrove in the County of Worcester
No: 315
When married: July 8
Name & Surname - Age - Condition - Rank or Profession - Residence at the time of Marriage - Father's Name and Surname - Rank or Profession of Father
William Weaver - 25 - Bachelor - Joiner - Strand Bromsgrove - William Weaver - Milk seller
Sarah Ann Sivell - 26 Spinster - - Bromsgrove - Robert Sivell - Farmer
Married in the The Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church, by License or after [blank] by me G W Mandy Vicar
This marriage was solemnized between us, William Weaver, Sarah Ann Sivell in the Presence of us, Joshua Moss, Mary Ann Moss
Bible printed 26 January 1813
William Weaver married to Sarah Ann Sivell
July 8th 1866
Superintendent Registrar's District Tewkesbury 345
Registrar's District Deerhurst
1867 DEATHS in the District of Deerhurst in the County of Gloucester and Worcester
257 - Twenty Fifth October 1867 Pendock - Mary Ann Sivell - Female - 63 Years - Widow of Robert Sivell Farmer - Phthisis Certified - Robert Sivell in attendance Pendock - Twenty Eighth October 1867 - William Proctor Registrar
Emily Mary SIVELL
Died: 29 December 1868
Registration District Bromsgrove
1877 DEATH in the Sub-District of Bromsgrove in the County of Worcester
No: 16
When/Where: Eighth May 1877 The Strand Bromsgrove
Name: Sarah Weaver
Sex: Female
Age: 40 years
Occupation: Wife of William Weaver, a Builder
Cause of death: Pneumonia Miscarriage Certified by R Prosser Surgeon Bromsgrove
Informant: + The mark of Sarah Morris Present at the Death, The Park, Bromsgrove
When registered: Eighth May 1877
E Coxell, Registrar
Bible printed 26 January 1813
Sarah Ann Weaver Died May 8th 1877