First name(s) | Last name(s) | DOB | Sex | Occupation | Marital status | Schedule | Schedule Sub Number | |
Robert | Blackburn | 20 Dec 1893 | Male | Family Grocer | Married | 126 | 1 |
Lucy A | Blackburn | 13 Sep 1899 | Female | Unpaid Domestic Duties | Married | 126 | 2 |
The record for this person is officially closed. For individual people, records remain closed for a century after their birth (the 100-year rule), unless it can be proven that they passed away before this milestone.
| 3 |
Elizabeth | Woodruff (Blackburn) | 25 Feb 1930 | Female | At School | Single | 126 | 4 |
The record for this person is officially closed. For individual people, records remain closed for a century after their birth (the 100-year rule), unless it can be proven that they passed away before this milestone. [In green ink is written] 1/2M C[??] 25 10 58 DUNDERDALE |
Ref: RG101/4227A/009/41 Letter Code: NBNA
First name(s) | Robert |
Last name | Blackburn |
Marriage quarter | 3 |
Marriage year | 1923 |
Registration month | - |
MarriageFinder ™
| Robert Blackburn married one of these people Lucy A Dunn
Spouse's last name | Dunn |
District | Wellington (Shropshire) |
District number | - |
County | Shropshire |
Country | England |
Volume | 6A |
Volume as transcribed | 6A |
Page number | 1720 |
First name(s) | Last name(s) | DOB | Sex | Occupation | Marital status | Schedule | Schedule Sub Number | |
Robert | Blackburn | 20 Dec 1893 | Male | Family Grocer | Married | 126 | 1 |
Lucy A | Blackburn | 13 Sep 1899 | Female | Unpaid Domestic Duties | Married | 126 | 2 |
The record for this person is officially closed. For individual people, records remain closed for a century after their birth (the 100-year rule), unless it can be proven that they passed away before this milestone.
| 3 |
Elizabeth | Woodruff (Blackburn) | 25 Feb 1930 | Female | At School | Single | 126 | 4 |
The record for this person is officially closed. For individual people, records remain closed for a century after their birth (the 100-year rule), unless it can be proven that they passed away before this milestone. [In green ink is written] 1/2M C[??] 25 10 58 DUNDERDALE |
Ref: RG101/4227A/009/41 Letter Code: NBNA
First name(s) | Lucy A |
Last name | Blackburn |
Gender | Female |
Birth day | - |
Birth month | - |
Birth year | 1898 |
Age | 61 |
Death quarter | 1 |
Death year | 1959 |
District | Blackburn |
County | Lancashire |
Volume | 10B |
Page | 584 |
First name(s) | Robert |
Last name | Blackburn |
Gender | Male |
Birth day | 20 |
Birth month | 12 |
Birth year | 1893 |
Age | - |
Death quarter | 3 |
Death year | 1972 |
District | Blackburn |
County | Lancashire |
Volume | 10B |
Page | 970 |