Reprinted by permission. Copyright © 1999-2002 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc
Author: LDS. Publishing Info: © IGI This information has been reproduced with permission of LDSANN DAY
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Christening: 30 AUG 1826 St Lawrence, Evesham, Worcester, England
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Father: JOHN DAY
Mother: HESTER
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Source Information:
Batch Number: 8505831
Sheet: 24
Source Call No.: 1395961 Type: Film
Thomas Day of this Parish
and Elizabeth Day of this Parish
were married in this Church by Banns
this twenty ninth Day of August in the Year One thousand eight hundred and thirty three
By me SL Morgan
This Marriage was solemnized between us
Thomas Day
Elizabeth Day
In the Presence of
[D J Marks]
The Mark X of Anne Bird
No 1440
George Day of this Parish Bachelor
and Ann Elcock of this Parish
were married in this Church by Banns with Consent of
this twenty fifth Day of July in the Year One thousand eight hundred and thirty six
By me Henry Coules Off. minister
This Marriage was solemnized between us
George Day
Ann Elcock
In the Presence of
X The mark of Charlotte Somkins
Nathl Bond
No 414
1838 DEATHS in the District of Evesham in the County of Worcester & Gloucester
127 - Seventh of Feby 1838 Parish of All Saints Evesham - John Day - Male - 44 yrs - Millwright - Accidentally Drowned - Chas Best, Coroner, Bengeworth - [Registered] Sixteenth February 1838
FATAL EVENT. - On Wednesday last a man named John Day, of Evesham, attended a wood sale at Offenham, a village in the neighbourhood, and remained at the place of sale till it was quite dark, he afterwards called at another place or two in the village, and as his nearest way home was to cross the river Avon at a ferry, he called there after the person who attends to it was gone to bed, he however made himself heard, and wished to be rowed across, this however was objected to by the person who keeps the boat, on account of the danger occasioned by the quanttity of ice then in the river. Day however not heeding this admonition expressed his determination to row himself across and was heard to get into the boat for that purpose, since which he has not been seen or heard of : but the boat was found in the morning floated down the river as far as the ice would allow it to go, and near to it Day's hat and the boat shovel were found. Search has been made for the body but it has not yet been raised.
Hereford Times 26 May 1838
On Monday evening , the 14th inst. the body of a man, in a frightful state of decomposition, was discovered floating on the Avon in the neighourhood of Evesham. On getting it out of the water it was recognised to be that of John Day, whose disappearance in Feburary last gave rise to sundry conjectures respecting his fate, the most probable of which appeared to be that he had been drowned in endeavouring to row across the river. Nothing having since occurred to invalidate that supposition, an inquest was held on the body before Mr. Best on the following day, when a verdict of "Found drowned" was returned. - Worcester Chronicle
Note: Ages of adults were often rounded down to nearest 5 years. For example, a recorded age of 25 implies an age of between 25 and 29.
Littleworth Street
Thos Day - 30 - Millwright - Y
Elizabeth Day - 26 - - Y
Mary Day - 6 - - Y
Frances Day - 4 - - Y
John Day - 2- - Y
Thos Day - 2 weeks - - Y
Bewdley Street
Esther Day - 50 - - Y
Ann Day - 14 - - Y
1874 DEATHS in the District of Evesham in the Counties of Gloucester & Worcester
38 - Twenty second March 1874, Bewdley Street, Evesham, Wor'shire - Esther Gould - Female - 83 years - Wife of James Gould, Formerly a Master Gardener - Decay of Gastrics, Certified - Susan Kinks present at the death, Bewdley Street Evesham - Twenty fourth March 1874
Certified Copy of an Entry of Death
1883 Death in the Sub-District of Evesham in the Counties of Gloucester & Worcester
No - When and where died - Sex - Age - Occupation - Cause of death - Signature, description and residence of informant - When registered - Signature of registrar
21 - Sixth October 1883, 19 Vine Street Evesham Worshire USD - Elizabeth Day - Female - 69 years - Wife of Thomas Day a Millwright - Bronchitis 14 days Emphysema 3 years Certified by H.E.Haynes MRCS - F.E. Meddings Daughter present at the death, Holloway, London - Ninth October 1883 - Edward Wadams, Registrar