Registration District Tamworth
1844 BIRTH in the Sub-District of Fazeley in the Counties of Stafford & Warwick
No - When and where born - Name, if any - Sex - Name and surname of father - Name, surname and maiden surname of mother - Occupation of father - Signature, description and residence of informant - When registered
74 - Twenty first of September 1844 at Wilnecote - Elizabeth - Girl - Edward Miles - Mary Miles formerly Till - Labourer - The mark x of Mary Miles mother Wilnecote - Fifteenth of October 1844 - James Mead Registrar
Reprinted by permission. Copyright © 1999-2002 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc
Author: LDS. Publishing Info: © IGI This information has been reproduced with permission of LDSELIZABETH MILES
--------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Birth: 21 SEP 1844
Christening: 13 OCT 1844 Tamworth, Stafford, England
--------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Mother: MARY
--------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:
C010063 1813 - 1822 0435864 Film 883880 Film
C010063 1822 - 1839 0435865 Film NONE
C010063 1840 - 1856 0435866 Film NONE
C010063 1856 - 1868 0435867 Film NONE
Sheet: 00
Edward Miles - Head - Mar - 37 - Omnibus driver - Staffordshire, Clifton
Mary Miles - Wife - Mar - 37 - Washerwoman - Staffordshire, Whittington
Mary Ann Miles - Daur - 13 - - Staffordshire, Harleston
Sarah Miles - Daur - 9 - Scholar - Warwickshire, Witchurch
Elizabeth Miles - Daur - 5 - Scholar - Warwickshire, Witchurch
Emma Miles - Daur - 3 - Scholar - Staffordshire, Tamworth
Alice Miles - Daur - 1 - Scholar - Staffordshire, Tamworth
Reprinted by permission. Copyright © 1999-2002 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc
Author: LDS. Publishing Info: © IGI This information has been reproduced with permission of LDSMary Ann Miles
--------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Father: Edward Miles
--------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Spouse: John Edward Summerfield
Marriage: 26 JAN 1857 Walsall-Wood, , Stafford, England
--------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:
I015100 Film
First name(s) Richard
Last name Downs
Marriage quarter 4
Marriage year 1865
Registration month -
MarriageFinderâ„¢ Richard Downs married Elizabeth Miles
District Birmingham
District number -
County Warwickshire
Country England
Volume 6D
Volume as transcribed 6D
Page number 39
Record set England & Wales Marriages 1837-2005
Category Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records
Subcategory Civil Marriage & Divorce
Collections from Great Britain, England
1867 Marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of Burton on Trent in the County of Stafford
No: 133
When married - October 6
Name and Surname - Age - Condition - Rank or Profession - Residence at the time of marriage - Father's name and surname - Rank or Profession of father
Henry John Parks - 23 - Bachelor - Labourer - Burton - John Parks - Potter
Alice Miles - 19 - Spinster - - Burton - Edward Miles - Servant
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church, by _____ or after Banns by me G French
This marriage was solemnized between us: Henry John Parks, Alice Miles in the Presence of us, Thomas Walton his X mark, Ann Downs
1867 Marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the parish of parish of Burton-on-Trent in the County of Stafford
No | When Married | Name and Surname | Age | Condition | Rank or Profession | Residence at the Time of Marriage | Father's Name and Surname | Rank or Profession of Father |
133 | October 6 | Henry John Parks Alice Miles | 23 19 | Bachelor Spinster | Labourer | Burton Burton | John Parks Edward Mills | Potter Servant |
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns by me G French
This Marriage was solemnized between us {
Henry John Parks
Alice Miles
in the Presence of us, {
Thomas Mailton X his mark
Ann [Dawes]
First name(s) John Henry
Last name Downs
Birth registration year 1867
Registration quarter 4
Mother's maiden name Miles
District Burton upon Trent
County Staffordshire
Country England
Volume 6B
Page 313
Record set England & Wales Births 1837-2006
Category Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records
Subcategory Civil Births
Collections from Great Britain, England
First name(s) Ida Elizabeth
Last name Downs
Birth registration year 1868
Registration quarter 4
Mother's maiden name Miles
District Burton upon Trent
County Staffordshire
Country England
Volume 6B
Page 329
Record set England & Wales Births 1837-2006
Category Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records
Subcategory Civil Births
Collections from Great Britain, England
First name(s) Albert
Last name Downs
Birth registration year 1870
Registration quarter 1
Mother's maiden name Miles
District Burton upon Trent
County Staffordshire
Country England
Volume 6B
Page 383
Record set England & Wales Births 1837-2006
Category Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records
Subcategory Civil Births
Collections from Great Britain, England
Richard Downs - Head - Mar - 32 - Brewery labourer - Warwick Tamworth
Elizabeth Downs - Wife - Mar - 26 - Warwick Wilnecote
Arthur Downs - Son - - 5 - Scholar - Warwick Tamworth
John H Downs - Son - - 3 - Scholar - Stafford Burton on Trent
Ida E Downs - Daur - - 2 - - Stafford Burton on Trent
Albert Downs - Son - - 1 - - Stafford Burton on Trent
Edward Miles - Lodger - Mar - 54 - Brewery labourer - Stafford Clifton
First name(s) Nellie Edith
Last name Downs
Birth registration year 1871
Registration quarter 4
Mother's maiden name Miles
District Burton upon Trent
County Staffordshire
Country England
Volume 6B
Page 365
Record set England & Wales Births 1837-2006
Category Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records
Subcategory Civil Births
Collections from Great Britain, England
Certified Copy of an Entry of Death
1873 Death in the Sub-District of Burton on Trent in the Counties of Stafford and Derby
No - When and where died - Sex - Age - Occupation - Cause of death - Signature, description and residence of informant - When registered - Signature of registrar
318 - Nineteenth May 1873, Duke Street, Burton, Stafford - Edward Miles - Male - 59 years - Brewer's labourer - Apoplexy 46 hours (certified) - X The mark of Hannah Norton Present at the Death, Russell Street, Burton - twenty First May 1873 - W.W.Ward Registrar
First name(s) Alice
Last name Downs
Birth registration year 1873
Registration quarter 4
Mother's maiden name Miles
District Burton upon Trent
County Staffordshire
Country England
Volume 6B
Page 394
Record set England & Wales Births 1837-2006
Category Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records
Subcategory Civil Births
Collections from Great Britain, England
First name(s) May
Last name Downs
Birth registration year 1876
Registration quarter 2
Mother's maiden name Miles
District Burton upon Trent
County Staffordshire
Country England
Volume 6B
Page 458
Record set England & Wales Births 1837-2006
Category Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records
Subcategory Civil Births
Collections from Great Britain, England
First name(s) Mary
Last name Downs
Birth registration year 1879
Registration quarter 1
Mother's maiden name Miles
District Burton upon Trent
County Staffordshire
Country England
Volume 6B
Page 399
Record set England & Wales Births 1837-2006
Category Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records
Subcategory Civil Births
Collections from Great Britain, England
First name(s) Ernest
Last name Downs
Birth registration year 1879
Registration quarter 4
Mother's maiden name Miles
District Burton upon Trent
County Staffordshire
Country England
Volume 6B
Page 394
Record set England & Wales Births 1837-2006
Category Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records
Subcategory Civil Births
Collections from Great Britain, England
Certified Copy of an Entry of Death
1879 Death in the Sub-District of Tamworth in the Counties of Stafford, Wariwck and Derby
No - When and where died - Sex - Age - Occupation - Cause of death - Signature, description and residence of informant - When registered - Signature of registrar
165 - Thirtieth December 1879, 4 College Lane, Tamworth, Warwick - Mary Miles - Female - 64 Years - Widow of Edward Miles a Labourer - Ch Bronchitis 7 days certfied by H Fausset M.D. - M.A. Summerfield Daughter present at the death, 111 Gungate Tamworth - Thirtieth December 1879 - William Shuttleworth, Registrar
Certified Copy of an Entry of Death
1902 Death in the Sub-District of Blackburn Southern in the County of Lancaster
No - When and where died - Sex - Age - Occupation - Cause of death - Signature, description and residence of informant - When registered - Signature of registrar
345 - Thirtieth december 1902, 6 Maudsley Street, Blackburn UD - Alice Parkes - Female - 53 years - Wife of Henry John Parkes, a sanitary pipe moulder - Carcinoma Uteri 6 months Certified by George Robinson MD - J.E.Higginson, Daughter present at the Death, 6 Crossfield Street, Blackburn - Thirty first December 1902 - Richard H Catterall, Registrar