A Register of Baptisms at Balderston Chapel for the year of our Lord 1790
Jenney the Daughter of George & Peggey Barns of Mellor Born Novem. 27 Bapd Hany 10th
No 1129}
John Ellison of the Parish of Blackburn
Weaver and Agnes Barnes of the same Parish spinster were
Married in this church by Banns
this thirteenth Day of March in the Year One thousand seven hundred and ninety seven
By me William Laterer curate
This Marriage was solemnized between us
John X Ellison his mark
Agens X Barnes her mark
In the Presence of
Edmund Eccles
John Margerison
No 130
Henry Forrest of the Parish of Blackburn, weaver & Ann Barnes of the same parish spin[ster] were Married in thie Church by a license granted by the Recd J Harkie Sur this thirteenth Day of December in the Year One Thousand Eight Hundred and One By me W [?] Curate
This Marriage was solemnized bertween US
Henry Forrest
Ann * Barnes' mark
in the Presence of James Radcliffe, John Margerison
BURIALS in the Parish of Blackburn in the County of Lancaster in the Year 1823
Aggy Ellison - Mellor - Jan 12 - 44 yrs - R Garnett