Margaret married Richard GAMBLE and they baptized a son John in 1670. Richard died in July 1673.
No local burial for a Margaret GAMBLE has been found after 1670.
Margaret married Richard GAMBLE and they baptized a son John in 1670. Richard died in July 1673.
No local burial for a Margaret GAMBLE has been found after 1670.
Ano Dmi 1644
Margret Veasie ye daughter of Thom Veasie bapt ffebr Aprill 14th
Richard Gamble of Stoke in Notingamshire and Margret Vese of Burbage were marryed the 21st of July
June 15 George Veze Buried
Thomas the sonn of Richard Gamble by Margrit his wife Baptized the one and thirtieth of July
Thomas the sonn of Richard Gamble Buryed the first of August
November the 20 John the sonne of Richard Gamble by Margrit his wife Baptized the twentieth of November 1670
ffebru ye 2th Thomas the sonn of Richard Gamble by Margritt his wife Baptized the second day of ffebruary 1671
Thomas Gamble ye son of Richard Gamble buryed ye twentieth day of June 1673
Anno Domini 1673
July 12 Rich: Gamble buryed ye twelfth day of July 1673
Elizabeth ye daughter of Rich: Gamble deceased & by Margaret his wife baptized ye thirteenth day of February 1673
Elizabeth ye daughter of Richard Gamble buryed ye third day of March 1673
Thomas Battle & Margeret Gamble were maried by License from ye ct. March ye 3d Anno 1680
Levi Vezy and Elizabeth Garrett both of the Parish of Ashby vil[lage?] were Married by License on the 6 day of Nov: 1682
Levi Veasy was buryed August the fifteenth
Thomas Vesey buryed february ye 28