There are two marriages that fit. More research needed to establish which (if either) is correct.
There are two marriages that fit. More research needed to establish which (if either) is correct.
BAPTISMS solemnized in the Parish of Hinckley in the County of Leicester in the Year 1818
24th of May - Ann daughter of - Thomas Bailey Elizabeth - Stanton - Hinckey - Labourer - N Brown Vicar
1838 Marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of St Michael in the City of Coventry
No: 115
When married - 5th April 1838
Name and Surname - Age - Condition - Rank or Profession - Residence at the time of marriage - Father's name and surname - Rank or Profession of father
Joseph Bailey - Of full age - Bachelor - Labourer - Whitley - Thomas Bailey - Labourer
Esther Bates - Of full age - Spinster - - Whitley - Joseph Bates - Labourer
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns by me Rd Chapman, Curate
This marriage was solemnized between us: Joseph Bailey, Esther Bates in the Presence of us, Mary Ann Egirton, William Bailey
1839 Marriage solemnized in the Parish Church in the Parish of Hinckley in the County of Leicester
68 - Feby 14
Nathaniel Bevins - Fulll age - Widower - Farmer - Desford - Thomas Bevins - Farmer
Ann Bailey - Minor - Spinster - - Hinckley - Thomas Bailey - Farmer
Married in the Parish Church accordsing to the rites and ceremonies of the Establish Church by me ???
This marriage was solemnized between us
Nathaniel Bevins
Ann Bailey
in the Presence of us
Thomas Bailey's X mark
Thos Orton
Certified Copy of an Entry of Death
1839 Death in the Sub-District of Hinclley in the County of Leicester and Warwick
No - When and where died - Sex - Age - Occupation - Cause of death - Signature, description and residence of informant - When registered - Signature of registrar
404 - First of November 1839 at Hinckley - Thomas Bailey - Male - 56 years - Grazier - Fever - The mark of X Ellen Matthews present at the death Hinckley - Fourth November 1839 - Thomas Vann Registrar
1842 Hinckley
June 19th
Daniel Smith - 29 - Bachelor - F.W.K. - Hinckley - John Smith - F.W.K.
Ann Bailey - 24 - Spinster - F.W.K. - Hinckley - Thomas Bailey - F.W.K.
The mark of X Daniel Smith
Ann Bailey
in the presence of
John Smith
Marie Smith
Superintendent Registrar's District Foleshill and Sowe |
Registrar's District Foleshill |
1846 DEATHS in the District of Foleshill in the County of Warwick |
No. | When Died | Name and Surname | Sex | Age | Rank or Profession | Cause of Death | Signature, Description and Residence of Informant | When Registered | Signature of Registrar |
286 | Sixteenth of June 1846 Bedworth | Elizabeth Bailey | Female | 65 years | Widow of Thomas Bailey | Hydrothorax with nature Decay | Ann Randle Present at the death Bedworth | Eighteenth of June 1846 | Richard Masson Registrar |
In affectionate remembrance of Thomas Bailey who departed this life the 2nd November 1839 Aged 56 years
I shall go to him but he shall not return to me II Sam xii 23
Also Elizabeth wife of the above who died June 16th 1846 aged 64 years
Parents farewell no time nor place
Thy much loved memory shall efface
They kindred who inscribed this stone
With their last sigh thy loss shall mourn
Certified Copy of an Entry of Death
1852 Death in the Sub-District of Hinckey in the County of Leicester and Warwick
No - When and where died - Sex - Age - Occupation - Cause of death - Signature, description and residence of informant - When registered - Signature of registrar
426 - Fourteenth December 1852, Regent Street Hinckley - Joseph Bailey - Male - 43 years - Farmer - Pulmonary consumption 6 weeks Certified - X The mark of Sarah Harrod in attendance Trinity Lane Hinckley - Fifteenth December 1852 - Willoughby Privey Registrar