In the name of God Amen I Mary Arlidg of Kenilworth in the County of Warwick widow being weak In body but of a sound mind and disposing memory praised the God who make to make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following 1st and chiefly I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of almighty God hoping through the merits of my Lord Jesus Christ to find free pardon of all my sins and my body I commit to the earth to be decently interred at the discretion of my executor hereafter named
Imprimis as to the disposition of all such my worldly estate as it has pleased God to bless me with I give bequeath and dispose of as followeth
Item I will let all my just debts and funeral charges be fully paid and discharged
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter in law Mary Neway three pounds of lawful British money and also one pewter platter that hath one letter of her mother's name of it
And I give unto her son John Neway two shillings six pounds and to her daughter Mary Neway two shillings six pounds
Item I give to Eliza Neway two shillings six pounds
Item I give and bequeath unto my loving daughter Elizabeth Arlidg the sum of ten pounds of lawful British money being an additional part to the five pounds given her by her Aunt Ann Keen which makes this sum of fifteen pounds
Item I give unto my loving Daughter Ann Arlidg the sum of twenty pounds of lawful British money and also my best suit of apparel and the feather bed and bolster the blankets coverlid a pair of sheets the bedstead and the curtains with all that belongs to the said bed
Item I give devise and bequeath unto my loving Samuel Arlidg my dwelling house barn cider mill and all the implements belonging to the said mill with all appurtenances hoping my friends the bailiff of the Lord of this manor of Kenilworth with the freeholders and other the inhabitants will not hinder my said son and [uffier] my children of enjoying the said premises considering the charges of building and rebuilding of the said premises that have been expended on the said premises
I also give to my said son Samuel the H[o?n]ying press in the parlour and the metal cast pot and one quart coffee and two pewter platters and three pewter plates and two pewter porringers and the little round table the dressers and shelves
Item I give and bequeath unto my two daughters Elizabeth and Anne all the rest of my household goods that are not disposed of and wearing apparel that is not given before
I give as before said to my said two daughters to be equally parted between them share and share alike and my will is and for I devise that my two daughters Elizabeth and Ann shall have a being in the house with my son Samuel while they remain unmarried and not longer and lastly all the rest and residue of my personal estate whatsoever that is undisposed of and not given as aforesaid I give dispose and bequeath unto my said son Samuel Arlidg whom I make full and sole Executor of this my last will and testament make void and null all former wills and testaments by me heretofore made
And I devise my loving friends William Chaplin carpenter and Francis Bird mason both of this parish to be the assessors of this my present last will and testament that they will please to see this my will executed according to the tried intent and meaning hereof allowing those two shillings and six pounds each to buy them each a pair of gloves in part of amends for their trouble and my will is that the above normal goods and legacies be delivered and paid six months after my decease
In witness whereof I the said Mary Arlidg to this my present last will and testament have set to my hand and seal this twenty fourth day of January in the thirteenth year of the reign of our sovereign Lord George by the grace of God over Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith Anno quo Dom one thousand seven hundred and twenty six 1726/7
There is a Bond of ten pounds of money from Thomas Williams in Leicestershire the which said money I fear is lost But if it be recoverable then I give the said ten pounds the one half that is five pounds I give to my daughter in law Mary Neway and the other five pounds I give to my two daughter Elizabeth Arlidg and Ann Arlidg to be equally divided between them: Note that this addition was writt[en] before the ensealing of this my will
Mary Arlidg [mark] her mark
Francis Leeson
Sam'l Yates
Signed sealed published and delivered to be the last will and testament of the testator Mary Arlidg contained in this sheet of paper in the presence of us whose names are under written as witnesses
Francis Leeson
Mary [X] Bout her mark
Sam'l Yates