I still have my notes, from which I can confirm that "your" Joseph, who had children in Bicester between 1727/8 and 1746, was married in Bicester to Anne Tooley on 2nd April 1727. Since Joseph was not a name in common use among the Horwoods of Bicester, I think you will find that he was the Joseph Horwood, son of Daniel, who was baptised at Chesterton (about 2 miles South of Bicester) on 19th January 1706/7. Daniel, described as a yeoman, had lost his wife, Mary, who was buried at Chesterton on 23rd December 1704, and he subsequently married Mary Blackwell in Bicester on 14th April 1706 (perhaps a wee bit tight for a birth the following January, but there you are !) You may find, when you check all this out, as you must, of course, that Mary's father was called Joseph. As for Daniel, who was buried in Chesterton on 3rd September 1721, the only one I found was baptised in Wendlebury (about a mile beyond Chesterton) on 2nd November 1646, son of William and Mary. It is not very likely that he is the one, as he would have been over 60 when
Joseph was born, but he certainly married a Mary, as he baptised several children
in Wendlebury in the 1670s and 80s, and it wouldn't be the first time, by any
means, that a 60-year-old widower had married a second wife still young enough to give him another child. If this works out, that could be another reason why they gave the child the name Joseph, because all the Horwood family names had already been used up on his first family. As for William, my notes don't go back far enough, but the only one I did note in Bicester, was buried in 1674, which could fit.